Crop-livestock interaction is defined as a type of land use system in which cropping and livestock husbandry are done side by side. In addition to ensuring sustainable output and preserving ecological balance, the production system has no adverse environmental effects. Currently, there are two major obstacles to global food security: the population's inadequate diets of protein and energy with the majority of farmers in emerging nations being smallholder subsistence or landless. Secondly specialized intensive agriculture techniques frequently degrade the environment and soil. One agricultural technique that might be very helpful in reducing these difficulties is ICLS. An integrated crop-livestock production system appears to offer a way to produce and deliver food that comes from both crops and animals without negatively affecting the delicate ecosystem. Crops and animals work together in this integrated system to provide a synergy that enables sustainable production intensification and ecosystem balance. Although ICLS practices have grown over time, market competitiveness, producer skill gaps, sustained knowledge gaps, and a lack of investment continue to be adoption barriers. In order to successfully execute ICLS and provide new marketing opportunities, organizations and/or institutions must promote ICLS adoption and government initiatives that offer subsistence farmers access to markets, capital, and educational resources. The idea, tenets, methods, benefits and limitations of the crop-livestock production system have all been thoroughly documented in this chapter. Furthermore, the significance of the crop-livestock interactions for maintaining ecological balance as well as for sustainable crop and livestock production has also been discussed.
Agriculture; Crop-livestock interaction; Income; Livestock; Small-scale farmers; Sustainability
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