Fundamentals of Soil Sciences and Recent Advances | Doi : 10.37446/edibook022024/6-10

PAID ACCESS | Published on : 30-Nov-2024

Different Disciplines of Soil Science

  • J. Revathi
  • Assistant professor & PAC, TNAU, Tamil Nadu, India.


Soil science is a discipline of science that focuses on studying the different aspects of soil and its interactions with living and non-living entities. Therefore, Soil Science is a scientific discipline that focuses on the study of soil formation, mapping, classification, and the features of soil, including its physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. Soil is a complex and ever-changing natural substance that forms through the breakdown of rocks and the action of various processes. It is made up of both inorganic and organic materials, with distinct chemical, physical, mineralogical, and biological characteristics. Soil depth varies across the Earth's surface and serves as a vital medium for the growth of land plants. Soil is an important component of the pedosphere, which covers the earth's crust. The fundamental fields of soil science include edaphology and pedology, which deal with the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of soil.


Soil physics, Soil survey, Soil technology, Soil biology


  • Joffe, J. S. (1955). Green manuring viewed by a pedologist. Advances in Agronomy7, 141-187.

    Simonson, R. W. (1968). Concept of soil. Advances in agronomy20, 1-47.

    Pal, S.K. (2016). “Text Book of Soil Sciences” CBS Publishers and Distributors Pvt. Ltd. ISBN -10:81-204-1787-9.