Advances in Plant Biotechnology (Volume 1) | Doi : 10.37446/volbook032024/129-158

PAID ACCESS | Published on : 01-Dec-2024

Metagenomics: An Unveiling the Microbial World

  • Prashant Gigaulia
  • Biotechnology Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M.P., India.
  • M K Tripathi
  • Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Rajamata Vijayaraje Scindia Agricultural University, Gwalior, M.P., India.
  • Pavan Chouksey
  • Biotechnology Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Jabalpur, M.P., India.
  • Swapnil Sapre
  • College of Agriculture, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University, Tikamgarh, M.P., India.


Metagenomics signifies a comprehensive approach to the analysis of genetic material obtained straight from environmental samples, facilitating the study of microbial communities without the requirement of culturing specific species. This discipline utilizes an advanced sequencing tools and bioinformatics techniques to examine the collective genomes of microbial populations, thereby providing valuable perceptions into their composition, diversity, and functional competences. Metagenomics can be generally classified into two primary types: shotgun metagenomics and amplicon sequencing. In this chapter we will address shot gun and amplicon sequence metagenomics profoundly, in Shotgun metagenomics entails the sequencing of all DNA present in a sample, yielding a detailed representation of the entire microbial community, including rare and unculturable species. Conversely, amplicon sequencing concentrates on the sequencing of specific genetic markers, such as 16S rRNA genes, to detect and categorize microbes within a community. The applications of metagenomics are extensive and transformative. In the realm of environmental microbiology, it enhances our understanding of microbial roles in biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functionality. In the context of human health, metagenomics is essential for investigating human microbiomes, elucidating their influence on diseases and identifying potential therapeutic targets. The significance of metagenomics is underscored by its diverse applications and its capacity to fundamentally alter our comprehension of microbial life. Furthermore, it plays a dynamic role in biotechnology by facilitating the discovery of novel enzymes and bioactive compounds. This book chapter also demonstrate how the metagenomics contributes to agricultural advancements by improving soil fitness and crop efficiency through the examination of soil microbiomes. In summarized way, the metagenomics is a powerful tool that continues to transform our understanding of microbial life and its applications across various disciplines.


Amplicon metagenomics, Metagenomics, Microbial genomics, Shotgun sequence metagenomics, Unculturable microbial genome


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