Recent Strides in Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming (Volume 1) | Doi : 10.37446/volbook112025/9-20

PAID ACCESS | Published on : 07-Feb-2025

Water Management in Organic Agriculture - Efficient Irrigation Practices and Water Conservation in Organic Systems

  • Sampathkumar T
  • Assistant Professor (Agronomy), Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Bhuvaneswari J
  • Assistant Professor (Agronomy), VOC Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Kumar G
  • Assistant Professor (V&AS), VOC Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, Tamil Nadu, India.


Water is one of the critical agricultural resources for crop growth, crop yield and livestock health. Suitable water management methods help farmers to conserve water, improve irrigation efficiency and reduces waste. Organic farmers highly depend on rainfall or ground water resource to water their crops as irrigation source. The available water resources for agriculture should be utilized very cautiously in the farm. In organic agriculture water in terms of soil moisture play major roles in plant nutrition. Growth and multiplication of microbes much rely on adequate soil moisture which could be achievable through efficient water management technologies. Micro irrigation has potential to apply bio inputs viz., panchagavya, amirthakaraisal, jeevamirtham etc., through irrigation which increase the microbial activity in soil and improve soil fertility eventually growth and yield of the crop under organic farming.


Water management, liquid organic fertilizers, soil and water conservation


  • Brouwer, C., Prins, K., Kay, M. & Heibloem, M. 1988. Irrigation methods. In: Irrigation water management training manual No. 5. FAO, Rome, Italy.